aruf® – Ultrafiltration of Artas
The ARTAS ultrafiltration unit (aruf®) is a unique system for the production of safe and healthy drinking water. Ultrafiltration is mainly used in drinking water treatment, but is also used as a precursor to reverse osmosis. In wastewater treatment, ultrafiltration is used at an advanced treatment stage (tertiary treatment). It is an effective method of purifying water and wastewater from residual impurities and suspended solids.
Process description
Ultrafiltration is a membrane process that uses pore filters with separation limits ranging from 0.1 to 0.01 μm. This retains dirt particles and turbidity as well as germs. Unlike nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration is carried out in the low pressure range
In doing so, the plant technology uses the existing supply pressure. The water to be cleaned is completely passed through the membrane (dead-end filtration), the dirt accumulates on the membrane. As a result, the transmembrane pressure increases until the backwash with filtrate is triggered and the membrane cleans again.
For more effective cleaning, backwashing is supported with chemicals (CEB = Chemical Enhanced Backwash). The result is a permanently defined water quality with a filtrate yield of 90 - 95 %.
Most common applications for aruf® ultrafiltration
- Restoration of damaged infrastructures (e.g. due to disasters or scarce resources)
- Water treatment plants for the food industry
- Beverage industry
- PCB Manufacturing
- Battery production
- Thermal power plants
- Coating systems/painting systems
- Drinking watertreatment plants
- Swimming pool water
- Industrial water reuse
- Seawater pretreatment
- Wastewater reuse
- Wastewater treatment with zero liquid discharge
- Wastewater treatment plants with reused wastewater
- Surface water
Project planning
If the raw water comes from a polluted source, a diafiltration system is upstream before ultrafiltration, with or without a precipitant dosing system. Then the Artas pilot container will be used to collect data and thus expand the planning basis. The final plant planning will then be carried out with reliable findings from the piloting.
Artas supplies turnkey plant technology for conversion, upgrading and greenfield projects.
Process units of aruf® – Ultrafiltration
- Prefiltration/Discfiltration
- Ultrafiltration Modules
- Feed pump
- Backwash pump
- CEB Dosing Unit
- Control cabinet and control cabinet
Optional equipment:
- CIP Unit
aruf® - Your solution for pure water
aruf® is the optimal filtration solution for removing macromolecules and particles from raw water to produce high-quality water. aruf® can be used in water treatment plants or as a stand-alone system in place of existing secondary and tertiary filtration systems (coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation or sand filter and chlorination). In the treatment of water with a high solids content, pre-treatment systems such as coarse filtration and flotation are used before treatment with aruf®. aruf® supplies taste- and odour-free water of consistently high quality. aruf® is designed for fully automatic operation.
The control system is used to automatically control the different operating modes of the ultrafiltration process (filtration, purification and backwashing).
We will be happy to answer your questions about the aruf® ultrafiltration system. Our experts are here for you!